Monday, January 12, 2009

Getting back into the swing of things at Deis!

Got back to school yesterday at around 1pm. My buddy Ben was already there. We decided to go running, so we brought our stuff down to the Gym and re-packed our lockers.

The weather was not very suitable for running. It was Sunday, our long run day, so we bundled up pretty well. The temperature was about 10 degrees below freezing, and snow was coming down lightly. It didn't help that the sidewalk was not well plowed and the roads had a lot of ice on the grooves by the sidewalk. Ben's knee was bothering him again so he decided to play it safe after 5 minutes of running and turn back to school to ice and stretch.

Needless to say, I was by myself running with only a little less than a mile out of the way. Running down Norumbega was quite a scene. The light snow gave the windy road a sense of some barren paradise. There's a view of the Charles river from the top of the incline on the street, and the river was frozen over with snow beginning to cover the ice. It was a very white and bright spectacle.

I didn't feel like running up Comm. Ave, which probably would have been the safer option, so instead I headed towards Wellesely and ran the Livingston Taylor run. I made up a little extra and ended up running 11 miles in total. I wanted to run 12-13 but I didn't feel that comfortable. I was pretty tired from not having eaten much, and my hands were in a lot of pain from being outside in the cold. Apparently, I need warmer gloves for the cold weather. When I got back, I did the usual stretching out.

Well, I saw the final moments of the Brandeis Basketball team beating Carnegie Mellon which was sick, I got food and hung out in the suite with Ben for a while, watched the Eagles win, watched the Steelers win, and then waited for friends to get back to school.

It's been great being back, I just feel like it's easier to get into a good routine when I'm at school. Today, we got books, hung out, saw people, then went down to practice at 3:00pm. I ran 8 miles today with Chris, Ryan, Marc, and Alex.
-We start off our runs usually as a group, but eventually there are some splits in the group as people who are running different mileage split up. We started off with about 15 guys, and eventually it dwindled to 5 in my group who were running 8 miles-

We ran Meadowbrook 8 on-the-roads which is a version of Meadowbrook 8, but instead of running on the trails (which were covered up by snow) we had to alter the course to have it be on the roads. It ends up being about 8.5 miles. Meadowbrook 8 is one of those runs that you love if you're feeling great and one that can seem forever if you're not having a feel-good day. It has it's hills and it's sights. I actually ran it in 47 minutes in one run at the end of cross country. I know, it was not very smart of me to run a 5:50 per mile paced run but it was one of the last days of November and I was about to take a few days off anyways and get ready for track.
I found a pic of the golf course we run through on Meadowbrook 8 loop which is on Meadowbrook Rd:

Anyways, we ran 8.5 in around 57:30. Felt great. Hopefully I keep training well. It was a little faster than I'd like to have gone the day before a workout, but we ran it and I stretched out and used the foam roller and my legs feel great. Workout tomorrow.

John also informed us that the Guy's team is actually not running the BU terrier meet in 2 weeks. (Sorry Steve! I'll invite you to a different BU meet if you can make it!) We will instead run our Home invitational, the Reggie Poyou Invitational, which will be held in Gosman Gym at our indoor track.
This is exciting news, I find our home meet to be pretty fun. Even though it conflicts with the Terrier Classic, it will be a good meet to run and get a good time in, plus we will have other trips to BU.

Feel free to post comments! Special thanks to anyone who reads my posts, and especially JWald and H Finch for providing the influence for me to start bloggin.
Their blogs are located in my links.

1 comment:

Cliff said...

Apparently my mom saw you running Sunday when she was picking up Alex or something.

Also, are you guys coming to any of our invites?