Saturday, March 21, 2009


Ran a solid workout yesterday.
~4 mile tempo, I only ran for 20 minutes, Our first 3 miles were all around 5:20 and went down to 5:10 for the last 3/4 mile. Probably the best I've felt doing a tempo since coming to Brandeis. It felt a lot smoother than some of the tempos I ran last fall. Looks like the miles I put in this winter are paying off.

We run our tempos in groups, usually in a single file line. We have someone lead for a lap then head to the back of the pack, it's a pretty nifty way of running a tempo since everyone usually gets to lead a lap or two if the group isn't too big. We had a group of about 10 guys doing it yesterday, really solid stuff. Paul continued to run another mile at slightly faster pace after we finished our 20 minutes.

It's been a good week getting back. Runs have felt smooth and I've been getting a good amount of sleep each night. Ran 56 miles this week. Gonna get to some studying. I'll leave another update soon, hopefully after a few workouts and before my first outdoor race this year.

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