Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Preseason commences!

August 19th. First day of preseason. I've been living in Waltham at our house on south street for about a week now. Just a bunch of track guys living in a 3 story apartment.

Today we had our first preseason meeting. Met with Lynne and Lisa and filled out a few health forms. After getting the necessary info out of the way, we went on our first run as a team.

Without fail, we blazed our first run. 10 miles in about 64 minutes, ~6:24 pace on a very rolly loop called livingston tailor 10 or New Res 10 since it requires a lap around a reservoir about 4 or 5 miles in. And not just Res, since we run around the weston reservoir often and this "new" res is located in wellesley.

It's kind of a tradition that never fails. Our first week back we don't sit back on our training runs.
I'm a little concerned. Last week I ran 86 miles, a lifetime high. I want to take it easy this week, but most of my runs have been sub 7 minute pace.

What I'm happy about is that I feel good running sub 7 minute pace. I've never in my life felt this comfortable on training runs.

As we start incorporating harder workouts I want to be able to make sure I get my recovery days in. So I'll be looking to hold back on my following runs.

Had a BBQ with the girls team and our new freshmen today. Great success.
Looking forward to the rest of preseason.


George T. Toad said...

Prospect Hill is 478 feet. The base is about 125' plus or minus 15'.

Sam D said...

Thanks henry!