Monday, August 31, 2009

Entering XC 2009

Had a good week coming into pre season. Ran a few good workouts and ended up feeling pretty easy on most of my training runs.

First week of practice we went to the Chestnut hill Reservoir to run a tempo workout.
Had two main "fast" groups; dan,chris,alex, paul and me,devon,zack, and marc.
Zack and Marc ran 20 minutes for the tempo, Devon and I continued on to run 25 minutes. We covered about 2.8 laps.

The next week, we had another tempo workout at Chestnut hill Reservoir. Devon and I passed the spot that we had previously run 25 minutes in at about 24:10, so we kept going for another 50 seconds. That is a pretty good sign.

First race is this Friday against Bentley. An annual dual meet that covers 6km. John is having us train through the meet, so I will most likely be in the midst of a mid 80 mile week even with the race.

Feeling good. The most important thing for me is to be training comfortably and controlled. Previous experience has told me that if I feel good training, I should relax and not get excited because I have had the tendency to get tired and put myself in a hole.

This season looks promising. I'm coming off of an incredible summer of training. I've run more doubles consistently than I ever have going into a season and I'm running some really awesome workouts.
I will consider this race on Friday to be a success if I'm just feeling controlled throughout the middle and can kick home with my boys.

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