Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Update after a week of being at home.

Yesterday, I went to Brandeis per instruction of John to do a workout at the Indoor track. I warmed up 20 minutes with the team, but after talking with John about the sickness I had last week, we decided that I wouldn't do the workout and would just do a run. I ran 7 miles with the team, and helped John with timing the workout.

A few others showed up. During breaks, John sends us our workouts and asks that if we're near the school that we make our way over to workout on tuesdays. Chris and Beth came from Chelmsford, Dan from Peabody, Meaghan from Franklin, and Devon from Cumberland, RI. There's a decent amount of people from school who live in the Eastern Mass/near-Boston area.

I helped Dan, by timing his workout. He ran 5x 1000 with rest being 2:30 in between. Dan ran each one in about 3 minutes. He looked smooth, and the last one was his fastest (2:58).

It was nice, having a place to run that wasn't ice-infested roads. I've been running most of my runs on my friend Sonya's Treadmill, however, since I've been sick I haven't run more than 5 miles for a few days. I ran 7 miles at Brandeis on Tuesday, and today I ran 8 on the treadmill. It's probably the best I've felt since getting sick.

The nice thing about getting sick last week is that I can treat last week almost as a down week. I was pretty tired all week from studying for finals, so I'm glad I got to give my body a little rest after that period of stress. I've been sleeping about 10 hours each night at home, which is really refreshing.

There are a few things I'm looking forward to getting done now,
I want to start lifting, and getting back to doing my core workout every other day. I want to keep watching the Celtics dominate the NBA. Hopefully see the Patriots turn-on their game against the good teams during the drive for the Playoffs. Christmas day is tomorrow which is exciting. I am contemplating going to the BU mini meet this weekend and/or going to Reggie Lewis next Monday to see Newton South face off against the DCL in League Meet #2.
Since my car is broken, I'm going to have to beg for a ride.
Any takers?

Happy Holidays!


Cliff said...

I'm planning to go to the DCL meet and may go to BU, so assuming I can drive there myself I can give you a ride

Sam D said...

Sounds good, i'll call you