Friday, May 29, 2009

A Great parting e-mail from Captain Jennings

"Dear Sam,

I never thought when you first beat me in that indoor two mile [In high school] by like 20 seconds that we would one day wind up as teammates and friends, but
I'm so glad that we did. I know that last two years have been tough
running-wise, but I think we have both learned a lot through the struggle.
For you, I really hope that knowledge will propel you to great happiness this year,
both in running and in the other more important part of life, everything
else. Just remember to trust in your training, trust in your coach and
trust in yourself. Only you know what great heights you can reach, and
only the belief in yourself will allow accomplishing your goals to
become a reality.

Have a good and (relatively) stress-free summer,
Matt "

While I was in the process of getting quotes for my last post, I decided to just make this e-mail its own post.

It's sad to see the seniors go, but they have done great things. Jennings was a very successful student-athlete at Brandeis.
Jennings has been a great leader, and I told him that he has given us (the underclassmen) the right tools to be successful. Individually, he has influenced me greatly.
He always believed in me, like John, even when I had my poor performances and struggles with injuries. He has always made sure that my head has been in the right place.

Toast to you, Matt! Good luck in China!

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